EpilPro salon is the center of professional electrolysis
EpilPro salon is glad to offer You the most reliable and effective unwanted hair removal procedure of all existing!
Electrolysis procedure is guaranteed to permanently save you from unwanted hair.
We do not offer hair removal for men or transgender women.

EpilPro salon is the center of professional electrolysis
EpilPro salon is glad to offer You the most reliable and effective unwanted hair removal procedure of all existing!
Electrolysis procedure is guaranteed to permanently save you from unwanted hair.
We do not offer hair removal for men or transgender women.
Electrolysis advantages compared to other methods of hair removal

What is electrolysis
During electrolysis the hair follicle is being destroyed under the influence of brief heating, which occurs due to short discharge of electric current. The current is delivered through a thin needle, which is inserted in the direction of hair growth, without damaging surrounding tissue and minimizing pain sensation. After the procedure the skin exposed to hair removal shall be smeared with disinfectant. Properly conducted electrolysis procedure is completely safe and the experienced electrologist will do everything possible to bring the procedure related discomfort to a minimum.
What is electrolysis
During electrolysis the hair follicle is being destroyed under the influence of brief heating, which occurs due to short discharge of electric current. The current is delivered through a thin needle, which is inserted in the direction of hair growth, without damaging surrounding tissue and minimizing pain sensation. After the procedure the skin exposed to hair removal shall be smeared with disinfectant. Properly conducted electrolysis procedure is completely safe and the experienced electrologist will do everything possible to bring the procedure related discomfort to a minimum.
Is it true that hair will never grow again?

Yes, after the full electrolysis course the hair will never grow again. World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes only electrolysis as permanent hair removal procedure (with a lifetime effect). After each procedure hair re-grows more and more weakened, and eventually stops growing at all, since the hair growth plate is destroyed, burned out and cannot be recovered any more. To achieve the desirable results with electrolysis it is necessary to perform all acts in a strict sequence. Therefore it is important to strictly adhere to procedure schedule determined by electrolysis specialist.

EpilPro Salon Specialist
Julia Skrypak
– a certified cosmetologist – electrologist of the international level
– performs the procedure on the highest level
– has extensive practice
– specializes only on ELECTROLYSIS, which leads to constant improvement of EpilPro Salon specialist skills
26.02.2018 – St.-Petersburg, course “Modern methods of electrolysis on epilator Apilus (Dectro).
10.06.2016 – “Education of the 21st century”, a course in “Electroepilation”.
20.09.2011-05.10.2011 – Visioon Ilukool Cosmetological school of the International level of (Tallinn).
2011 – „Electrolysis“ Master class (“Zerkalo”, Moscow).
01.03.2011-21.04.2011 – The Baltic Federal University of Immanuil Kant (specialization practical nurse cosmetology).
1992 – 1995 – The Medical College of Kaliningrad (cum laude).
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is electrolysis a new method?
Definitely not. The first time electrolysis was applied by the ophthalmologist doctor Charles Michael in 1875 to remove the ingrown eye lashes. Since then a lot of discoveries have been made in this field; and electrolysis has been proving its efficiency for 140 years already.
Is electrolysis painful?
Some clients are worried that electrolysis procedure can be too painful. It is important to consider that each person has her/his own pain threshold. If some find this procedure discomfortable, then others can even fall asleep during the treatment. Moreover, sensations also depend on the equipment and specialist’s experience. In EpilPro Salon we use the most modern high-tech equipment and our specialist is a certified cosmetologist-electrologist of the international level. We will do everything in order to make electrolysis treatment painless and to minimize unpleasant feelings even in the most sensitive zones – face, armpits and bikini zone.
Each person has his/her own pain tolerance. For some people electrolysis actually causes some discomfort while the others may even fall asleep during the treatment. The specialist can give you some advice how to reduce the painful sensations to minimum.
What are the counter-indications to the electrolysis treatment?
As with any cosmetic procedure, electrolysis has its own limitations, which are important to know about, before making a decision in its favor. The counter-indications to electrolysis are:
acute and chronic dermatological diseases
varicose veins (in place of the procedure)
severe forms of hypertension and coronary heart diseasekeloid disease
malignant skin tumors
cardiovascular diseases
common infectious diseases
inflammation of the lymph nodes
oncological diseases
neuro-psychiatric diseases
the presence of electrical pacemaker
individual intolerance of the electrical current
Moreover, girls under 16 must have parental consent to the procedure.
Will electrolysis be efficient if the hair growth is connected with the hormonal disorders?
The effect will be absolute, even when hormonal imbalance. During the treatment the hair follicle (from which hair grows and develops) is destroyed. That is why unwanted hair appeared during the hormonal imbalance can be permanently removed only by electrolysis.
Epilation or depilation?
In spite of the fact that a lot of people are involved in the epilation and depilation industry, only some of them seem to understand the difference in the terminology. Some people are probably sure that epilation and depilation are the same. This concerns not only clients but also unexperienced cosmetologists. Even books have now become the agents of offensive unprofessionalism. For example one of the cosmetological issues for a wide range of cosmetic lovers wrote that depilation was hair removal made with a help of chemicals but epilation was done mechanically and physically.
What is the difference between depilation and epilation?
Depilation is the hair shaft removal.
Epilation is the removal of hair with its root, which leads to hair follicle damage that provides the possibility to stop the hair growth permanently.
Electrolysis is the safe method of radical hair removal using different types of electrical current or their combinations depending on the area of treatment.
Currently there are a very few methods to efficiently and permanently remove unwanted hair from the body; many of these methods have a long list of counter-indications. Electrolysis is the only efficient and at the same time safe method of unwanted hair removal from different parts of the body. Young women and girls try plenty of means to get smooth skin but many of these available means have a lot of unwanted side effects: irritated skin, allergic reactions, increasing hair amount, visible traces of hair removal (red spots which are easily seen on the skin after the hair removal) and many others.
With the help of electrolysis hair can be removed from almost any part of the body. Women mostly use electrolysis on their brow line, upper part of the nose, cheeks, chin, neck and shoulders. Women after 40 tend to remove hair from the upper lip as the hormonal changes often have negative reflections on the appearance. It is possible to remove hair from the back, breast, stomach, legs, arms and bikini zone. It is recommended to remove hair from the inner part of the nose and ear canal only after consulting with a doctor and after careful disinfection.
Can electrolysis be applied to any part of the body?
Yes, one of the main advantages of this method is the possibility of application on practically any body part, except inner part of the ears and nose. With electrolysis it is possible to remove unwanted hair from the mammary glands, as during the procedure soft tissue is not being affected.
Hirsutism. Is it enough to use only medical tratment to get rid of unwanted hair?
No it is not. If the doctor has prescribed hormonal treatment, then it should be done. However, hormonal treatment will not make the grown hair come out. It will just stop the growth of new hair, which did not have enough time to get reborn from vellus to terminal hair (dark and hard). Electrolysis is the only method which may solve the problem of the unwanted hair growth forever.
How to determine the overall treatment cost? How much time will treatment take?
The speed of hair removal depends on the treatment area, hair amount, its hardness and the previous method of hair removal. For example, if talking about hair removal on the legs, then it takes 2 – 5 hours to remove hair from the shin (this is the initial hair removal, which is the longest) and it costs 159€ – 393€. After 3-4 weeks some hairs will grow again (about a half from the initial amount). Their removal will take 1.5 – 3 hours from each leg, which constitutes 120€ – 237€. After 4-6 months it will be possible to come for 1 – 1.5 hours a month for the collection of grown hair on both legs.
This is a very average data. The specialist will determine more precise needed time during the consultation.
Thus, a disadvantage of electrolysis method is the duration of treatment. The complete hair liquidation may take 1.5 – 2 years. However, the result is worth it!
Another example is the epilation of upper lip. Typically the procedure takes 20 – 60 minutes. After 2 – 3 weeks some hairs will grow again (about a half from initial hair, if these were vellus). Each hair can grow again up to 5 – 7 times. With every new epilation the regrown hair becomes weaker and gradually disappears forever.
What are the reasons for excessive hair growth?
There are a lot of reasons for excessive hair growth. First of all, hair growth is caused by genetic factors, heredity. The intensity of hair growth is also influenced by hormones, certain medications, various diseases. Furthermore, excessive hair growth can be provoked by the frequent usage of temporary hair removal methods, which by irritating the skin and increasing the blood circulation, provoke hair growth.
What can be done with the hair between the treatments?
You are allowed to cut the hair off with the scissors on the treatment areas. However, a small part must be left (approximately 2mm), so it can be treated and removed by the specialist. Usage of tweezers and other methods of hair removal can negatively influence the efficiency of the electrolysis treatment.
How will my skin look after the treatment?
Right after the treatment the skin will get a little swelling and reddening which disappears after 30-60 minutes. It can stay longer – it depends on the individual skin sensitiveness.
The skin right after the treatment :

When will the result of the treatment be visible?
Although the treatment takes a long time and can last for one year or a year and a half, however the progress becomes obvious after 2-3 months. Here is the example of the treatment on the upper lip zone:

In the beginning of the treatment there was a lot of hard dark hair (men type). After hair removal the skin looked dark because a lot of ingrown hair.
The picture above was made three months after electrolysis procedure: some single grown hairs are left, which are thin and soft and partly without dark pigmentation. It is already possible to see some clean areas of the skin.
Are there any risks of complications?
The risk of complications – scarring, inflammation, burns, pustular processes, dyschromia (skin pigmentation disorder). It shall be noted that these phenomena can occur only in case of violation procedure technique, non-compliance with hygiene requirements, or improper skin care after the procedure. EpilPro Salon uses high-quality equipment, only permitted fibers and individual gloves. All pliers are disinfected properly and used tips are processed with antibacterial solution. Our experienced cosmetologist – electrologist accurately calculates the needed mode and will talk in details about skincare after the treatment.
Skin regeneration time after the procedure depends on individual skin characteristics (allergicreaction, sensitivity, tendency to pigmentation after injury) and may last up to 1-2 weeks.
Correct skincare will help avoid complications and speed up the recovery.

Skincare DON’Ts
- Don’t wash the procedure area for at least twenty-four hours.
- Don’t use other methods of hair removal between electrolysis procedures (on the treatment area).

after electrolysis
- For the minimum of 3 days skin shall be treated with calendula tincture or salicyl alcohol 4 – 5 times a day. It is also allowed to use Cutasept antiseptic.

Electrolysis really works! I was removing hair from the legs (the back side of the hip). I had never had any hair there before but after getting married and probably after some hormonal changes the hair began to grow 😥 However, I am among those lucky ones who needed just one session to get rid of the hair. The specialist says that the reason of that is that I did not manage to do anything about it before. I did not shave it even once. Oh, and I forgot to say that the result has been lasting for about half a year now. The only thing I regret about is that I did not come earlier, however, I have not heard about this beauty salon before. And I was having the unwanted hair the whole summer 🙂 I do recommend electrolysis especially if you are deciding which treatment to choose. Just forget about shaving, wax, depilation creams. I am considering to start with the bikini line now. I am plucking up my courage because it was painful enough to treat the legs. But I have to do it before summer comes.

I got to know about electrolysis not long ago. Previously I was doing laser treatment for quite some time and then photodynamic treatment afterwards (chin and upper lip area). However, there was no result. A lot of hair was left and a lot of fair hair became dark. There was so much hair that I just had to shave it off. I could hardly decide to try electrolysis. In the beginning of my treatment I was doing one session a week during three months. The result was amazing! The amount of hair decreased to such extent that I do not doubt the success of the treatment anymore. Both of my daughters have the same problem. One of them has been doing the treatment for three months already and is very satisfied with the result. Another one, unfortunately, lives far away and can come only once a month for a treatment. We will see how efficient it will be.

It took me much time to choose between laser treatment and electrolysis. The feedback in the internet made me choose electrolysis. I started with armpits. I am really satisfied! They really do good quality job. Almost half of the hair amount was gone just after the first session. Now four months have passed and only about 30% of the hair is coming back but the hairs are very thin and fair.

I want to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH to the specialist of the Beauty Salon. All my complexes about my hairy face have disappeared now. This problem has been making me suffer for more than 30 years. It will be 8 months soon since I started to remove hair from the chin and the “mustache”. Just very few hairs are coming back now comparing to this huge amount of hair which I had before. Now I am dealing with my brows line.

Amazing results! I had a hormonal medical treatment before and it improved my health. However, the hair which grew as a result of the medical treatment did not come out as I hoped. I had a mustache as hard as wire and the same type of hair on the chin. No hair is growing on the chin anymore. Now I am removing the mustache which looked like a man’s mustache before. The tweezers are entirely forgotten now. Just very few hairs are coming back. Finally I feel more confident. Thank you very much to the real expert in her profession!

I decided to correct my brows line with the help of electrolysis. I have never pulled them out before. After 6 sessions I got the shape I wanted. And no hair is coming back. I have read on the internet forums that it takes minimum one year to get the required result. I have no complaints anyway.

We are being talked about
“… I got an amazing experience…”
“Finally I can say that permanent hair removal is not a myth! I got an amazing experience with hair removal on my legs and in this video I will show you my results after just half a year of treatment.”
BeautifulYouTVRUS, 2015
“… hair removal is not a myth…”
“Hello girlfriends! Today I will talk about my progress with electrolysis! I will also talk about needed budget, skincare and whether the procedure is worth doing!”
BeautifulYouTVRUS, 2016
Contact us

Opening hours in Tallinn
Monday 8.30-18.45
Tuesday 8.20 – 18.40
Tallinn. “Mall of Tallinn T1”. Peterburi tee 2,
II floor. Beauty salon “KetySwit”
Opening hours in Tapa
Wednesday 8.30-16.00
Thursday 8.30-16.00
Tapa, Valgejõe pst. 14, 2nd floor, № 202.
“Family Doctors Center”

Julia (+372) 5564 3074